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Top 10 Writing Blogs to Follow in 2019

Do you like to follow writing blogs, but you’re not sure where to start? Here are ten of my favorites to help you crush your writing goals this year!

Write to Done is an addictive blog with writing advice for just about anyone, whether your focus is on fiction, nonfiction, blogging, or getting published. My favorite article of theirs would be this one about designing a web-like plot to "trap" your reader:

Jeff Goins is the current hero of just about every writer and blogger out there. His book, Real Artists Don’t Starve, is a masterpiece that kills the theory that artists should give their work away for free in order to get recognized. I highly recommend visiting his blog just to get inspired. His practical, motivating advice will make you excited about writing all over again. A recent article I enjoyed was this one:

Love writing classes? Head over to and check out their fantastic free writing courses! They have a seemingly endless supply of tutorials on short stories, characterization, grammar, and so on. It’s easy to get lost in their blog as you learn the craft from dozens of brilliant authors.

Joanna Penn is just a lot of fun to read. With a bog, a podcast, and well over a dozen bestselling books to her name, Joanna is a charming British author with a straightforward message: you can be successful at writing. I really liked her article on writing the first draft of your novel:

This is a fun place to share your writing with other budding authors! This blog allows you to upload story chapters and get eyes on your writing. They also post fun bookworm-friendly articles and reviews regularly, as well as many fun quizzes. My fave quiz right now would be this one:

While Rachelle Gardner is more a literary agent than an author, I find her advice useful and wise. She has reviewed countless manuscripts and knows what makes good novels work and bad novels bomb. I enjoyed her article on foreshadowing here:

This blog by K. M. Weiland is a treasure trove of writing wisdom by a successful author who started out like anybody else—a normal woman with a talent and desire for writing who turned it into a career! She has comprehensive advice on writing believable characters, solid plots, sparkling prose, and on and on. I thought her series about writing character arcs was very interesting:

This blog, written by an impressive lineup of writers, posts new content every day, so there is always something fresh to check out from many different author’s perspectives. One article that caught my eye is here:

Jane Friedman is a seasoned author (who actually knows Joanna Penn personally and has guest posted on many times) with lots of practical advice, especially about the publishing side of authorship. Her insight into character emotions was well-written here:

If you have never heard of National Novel Writing Month, it’s time to check this website out. This helped me kick start my current novel by pushing me to crank out several thousand words in a week. The official NaNoWriMo isn’t until November, but it’s a good idea to get familiar with the process and start prepping your novel well in advance. It’s a really fun challenge where you track your progress publicly on the website to keep you motivated. NaNoWriMo also has the largest writing community in existence, making this just about the most popular writing challenge ever started, so jump on board and mark your calendar!

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Joshua Sword

I'm twenty-six and work as a livestream producer by day. I'm highly facetious. It's very hard to take me seriously, a fact that I carefully nurture and protect, because I don't want people calling me Mr. Josh and kissing my hand and handing me scotch or whatever they do in the serious world. I like my own world just fine.

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